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Are dental implants the right choice for me?

Do you have missing teeth that need to be replaced? Our Arthur dentists talk about the importance of tooth replacements and whether dental implants might be the right choice for you.

Tooth Restoration Options: Dental Implants

Dental implants are permanent dental restorations that can be used to replace missing teeth. Held in place with a tiny titanium rod implanted into the patient’s jaw bone, the implant serves as the root of an artificial tooth.

Titanium is used for implants because it is able to bond with bone creating a very stable and secure base for the artificial tooth that will be added above your gum line.

When you replace a tooth using a dental implant it will restore both the look of a natural tooth and function. These popular restorations allow patients to continue using their teeth as they did prior to losing the natural tooth.

Why should I consider dental implants to replace my missing teeth?

For many people dental implants are an excellent tooth replacement option. Some of the advantages of dental implants include:

A Versatile Option

Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all teeth in the upper or lower jaw. Your dental implant (or implants) will be combined with a crown, bridge or denture depending on your needs.

Your specific case and requirements, in addition to the density of your jaw bone, will determine the number of actual implants you need and are able to get.

Can Last a Long Time

If cared for properly your dental implant, could last a lifetime. A proper at-home oral care routine is essential, as are regular visits to your dental office for professional cleanings and exams.

Other factors that can influence the longevity of your dental implant include nutrition, genetics or the development of dental diseases such as periodontal disease.

Offer a Natural Appearance

As mentioned above, your dental implant, once paired with a bridge or crown, can help to provide you with a natural-looking smile that functions well.

Most people will never notice that you have artificial teeth, and you will be able to eat, speak and function as you did before while enjoying quality of life. A dental implant is free of any nerved which means that you won't feel any sensitivity in your tooth replacement.

Instead, any feelings you experience related to your dental implant will stem from the soft tissue around the implant site. After your implant has healed and you’ve had some time to get used to it, you most likely will notice very little difference between your implant and your natural teeth.

No Special Care

As with bridges, crowns or other restorations, you care for your dental implants just like you care for your natural teeth. Visit your dentist about twice a year for routine checkups and cleanings and follow a rigorous at-home oral hygiene routine.

Why might you choose not to replace your teeth with dental implants?

While dental implants are an ideal tooth replacement option for many people, they certainly are not for everyone. Depending on the nature of your case, dental implants may not be for you. Below are a few aspects of dental implants that you may want to consider when deciding on the best tooth replacement option for you:

Is a Multi-Step Process

Dental implants are commonly considered to appear more natural looking than bridges, however, the procedure is much more invasive than that of other tooth replacement options.

Depending on your specific treatment plan and your smile needs, the entire dental implant procedure can take anywhere from 2 to 9 months to complete (and in some cases even longer).

Implants Can Be Expensive

Depending on your insurance coverage and your specific dental issue, the cost of dental implants can vary. While some insurance companies pay part of the cost, others may cover the entire cost of your implants and still others may not pay for any part of it.

Contact your insurance provider to learn whether your policy will cover dental implant treatment for your smile.

Other Procedures May Be Necessary Before Having Implants Placed

If you plan to undergo a dental implant procedure your dentist will need to evaluate your jaw bone density in order to determine if you have adequate structure for the implant. If your jaw is currently too thin or weak for implants, you may still be a candidate for the procedure but will require a bone graft to transplant bone to your jaw to support the implant. This additional step will make the implant process longer and more invasive.

Should I choose to get dental implants?

While dental implants, bridges and other restorations all have their benefits, the right choice for you will depend on your oral health needs, budget and other factors.

Your dentist can meet with you and evaluate your situation to help you determine which tooth replacement option might work best for you.

Would you like to learn more about dental implants or other tooth replacement options? Our Arthur dentists are here to answer your questions.

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